Mar 15, 2016 | Daily Updates, Updates
Final version of my shot for the vfx...
Mar 15, 2016 | Daily Updates, Updates
VFX Breakdown of my shot for the VFX project...
Mar 14, 2016 | Daily Updates, Updates
Final progress updated of my shot for the VFX project assessment. Improved rotoing (although I believe replacing the main part and starting again might be required (I learnt a lot about how not to roto doing this and would do it quite differently a second time)), now...
Mar 13, 2016 | Daily Updates, Updates
Low quality progress composition of my shot for the VFX Project assessment. Improved renders done at 1080, all textures done and applied and proper...
Mar 10, 2016 | Daily Updates, Updates
First low quality test composition of my shot for the VFX Project assessment....