Nov 22, 2016 | General Updates
This is another post production asset breakdown for one of the assets I did for this years major project, the Distant Plateaus. Production Plan: The plan for the making of the major plateaus was the rather basic: block it out, sculpt it, export it, bake maps to be...
Nov 22, 2016 | General Updates
The following is a post production asset breakdown for one of the assets I did for this years major project, the Chasmfiend. Production Plan: The Plan for the Chasmfiend was to break it down into separate parts, such as the front legs, head, body segment, etc. This...
Jun 24, 2016 | General Updates
The aim of this project was to do a mini outdoor rock and planet environment, similar to the fish tanks shown in the reference. The scene consists of 5 different types of rocks and 9 different grass and reed assets each and the ground, ideally I would have liked to...
Jun 24, 2016 | General Updates
The aim of this project was to make a tree, in this case a bonsai tree, by hand without any planet generation software, from photo reference. Trunk Sculpt: The trunk was sculpted in ZBrush using Dynamesh and ZRemesher was using to clean up and reduced the mesh....
Jun 23, 2016 | General Updates
The aim of this project was to recreate a dark wooden panelled hallway based on photo reference and built to scale. At the start of this project I didn’t understand the workflow of modelling in Maya with subdivision in mind and then rendering in Renderman, so a lot of...