Post Production Asset Breakdown: Distant Plateaus

This is another post production asset breakdown for one of the assets I did for this years major project, the Distant Plateaus.

Production Plan:

The plan for the making of the major plateaus was the rather basic: block it out, sculpt it, export it, bake maps to be used as splat masks and then use Substances Designer to make a bunch of different shades/colours of sandy looking rock texture.

For the minor plateaus the plan was to use World Machine, which allows for easy modification and regeneration of geometry and masks based on the settings supplied.



With the distant plateaus I started by blocking and laying out the major plateaus in Maya:

Blocking out the plateaus and their layout in Maya.

Blocking out the plateaus and their layout in Maya.


Major Plateaus:


They were then individually sent to ZBrush and sculpted on the visible surfaces:

Sculpting the details onto the distant plateaus in ZBrush.

Sculpting the details onto the distant plateaus in ZBrush.


The mid-level geometry was then imported into the Maya scene and faces not visible from the camera were deleted.

All the plateaus laid out in Maya.

All the plateaus laid out in Maya.


Deleting the non-visible polygons in Maya.

Deleting the non-visible polygons in Maya.


AO bake used for one of the splat maps.

AO bake used for one of the splat maps.


AO bake in modified in Photoshop for use as a second splat map.

AO bake in modified in Photoshop for use as a second splat map.


The Renderman material used for the major plateaus.

The Renderman material used for the major plateaus.


Minor Plateaus:


Doing a basic design for one of the minor plateaus in World Machine.

Doing a basic design for one of the minor plateaus in World Machine.


The final look of the minor plateau in World Machine.

The final look of the minor plateau in World Machine.


The node layout for for the minor plateaus in World Machine.

The node layout for for the minor plateaus in World Machine.


The Renderman material used for the minor plateaus.

The Renderman material used for the minor plateaus.


Other than positive feedback for the major plateaus, the only feedback and change suggested was from my teacher Darrell that the minor plateaus were all very similar looking when in shot and viewed from the camera, so I added a 3rd variation and made the 2nd minor plateau taller to differentiate them all further.


Final Look:

A frame from shot 6 of the project. Before composition and post-work, such as motion blur and Depth of Field.

A frame from shot 6 of the project. Before composition and post-work, such as motion blur and Depth of Field.